Eurotax expands B2C Alcohol excise services to Slovakia and Lithuania

Eurotax, leader in alcohol excise duties in Europe, is excited to announce the launch of its B2C alcohol excise service in Slovakia and Lithuania. This expansion aims to cater to the increasing demand from companies seeking to sell their alcohol products directly to consumers in these countries.

With Eurotax’s new offering, businesses can now seamlessly navigate the complexities of alcohol excise duty regulations in Slovakia and Lithuania, countries with potential clients which consume at least 18 liters of alcohol per person per year.

Namely Slovakia is a high income developed country with a population of only 5 million, it ranked as the 46th richest country with a per capita gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity of $44,081.

Lithuania, country with a population of 3 million people, has an open and mixed economy which is classified as a high-income one by the World Bank. Lithuania is one of the fastest growing economies in the EU in the past years, and in 2025, its GDP is forecast by European Commission to further increase by 2.2%.

Eurotax will handle all the necessary formalities, including the management and payment of excise duties, ensuring a smooth and compliant process.

Reminder of the EU Legislation on Alcohol Excise Duties

Excise duties on alcohol within the European Union (EU) are primarily governed by two key pieces of legislation:

  • Directive 92/83/EEC[IB3]: This directive establishes the framework for excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages. It outlines:
    • The structures of excise duties for different types of alcohol.
    • The categories of alcohol and alcoholic beverages subject to excise duty.
    • The calculation methods used to determine excise duty amounts.
  • Directive 92/84/EEC[IB4] : This directive sets out the minimum excise duty rates that must be applied to each category of alcoholic beverage. It’s important to note that these are minimum rates, and EU countries have the flexibility to impose higher rates if they deem it necessary to meet their national objectives.
  • Horizontal Directive’ Council Directive 2008/118/EC about the general provisions applicable to harmonized excise goods was updated by directive 2020/262/EC. It leaves member states free to establish non-harmonized consumption taxes on other goods. Among other things, the ‘Horizontal Directive ’regulates how and where excise duties are paid and collected.

In summary, while the EU provides a complex framework for alcohol excise duties, individual member states retain some autonomy, allowing them to tailor their tax policies to specific domestic needs.

The European legislation is transposed in the local legislation of Slovakia and Lithuania, ‘Act of 30 November 2011 on excise duty on alcoholic beverages’ and ‘Excise Duty Law of the Republic of Lithuania, 2001 m. spalio 30 d. Nr. IX-569′.

Eurotax’s one stop shop solution for alcohol excise duties in B2C:

With more than 14 countries in the EU, Eurotax has the largest network for alcohol excise duties management, with all this scope available in one online platform and a single payment[IB6]  for excise duties due. Using Eurotax solution, the companies can send their alcohol to individuals without the administrative burden while Eurotax ensure they are 100% compliant for alcohol excise duties.

To learn more about Eurotax’s B2C alcohol excise services and explore other available destinations, please visit our alcohol excise duties B2C page or contact our team directly.

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