Changes for Intrastat reporting 2022

As of 1st January 2022, new changes will be introduced for Intrastat reporting around the EU. The news has been announced in Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of 27th November 2019 and originally intended to come in force in 2020, however, the implementation has been delayed for 2022. The aim of such new reporting is to reduce the current administrative burden for the businesses operating in the EU and having intra community supplies or acquisitions, as well as improve data exchange between different Member States. 

New Intrastat requirements: 

The new changes will firstly have new data elements to be included in the monthly reporting, namely for the declarations of Dispatches (the additional requirements will not however apply for the reporting of Arrivals).  

The following details will be required for the reporting of Dispatch transactions: 

  • The Identification Number in the Member State of delivery*, which is the VAT Number of the recipient. In the case of delivery to a private individual, who does not hold a VAT number, this will also need to be reflected in the reporting.  

*If it’s a triangulation sale case, where the invoice recipient is in a different country than the one to where the goods are delivered or shipped to, the VAT number of the entity that will receive the goods should be used. 

  • The Country of Origin of the goods, which is not limited to the territory of the EU. The goods might as well be produced in a third country, which should be shown in the report. When multiple countries are involved in the production, such country is considered to be the one where the last major processing occurs. 

How to be prepared for this Intrastat changes? 

For many EU businesses, the new Intrastat reporting changes means updating the existing reporting processes. New information needs to become available, therefore, the IT systems need to be up to date by the beginning of the next year. Moreover, as the changes are implemented country by country, it is important to keep track of changing regulations in each Member State, contact us if you have any question. You can also visit our Intrastat page here 

Need assistance with your Intrastat reporting? Contact our team of experts today. 

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